- Things To Do
- Recreation & Outdoors
- Hiking & Trails
- Parks and Gardens
- Fishing
- Golf
- History & Museums
- Arts & Culture
- Art Galleries
- Theaters & Performing Arts
- Orchards & Farmers Markets
- Ypsilanti Farmers Market
- Wiard's Orchards
- Family Friendly
- Shopping
- Antique & Vintage Shops
- Specialty
Annual Events
Original, niche, and eclectic are the norm here, and Ypsilanti is best captured through exciting festivals and events!
Join in for First Fridays Ypsilanti, a free monthly arts and culture self-guided tour with shopping, art, music, and free fun. Ypsilanti has also become a Jazz destination, hosting annual festivals.
Community LGBTQ+ celebration, Ypsi Pride, intentionally reaffirms visibility and inclusivity. Businesses often host Drag and burlesque shows, and fundraisers for causes important to the Ypsi community.